Our Mission
At Silk Stevens Limited, our Mission is to do a great job for our clients. We “team” with our clients to provide excellent design solutions and deliver excellent quality professional services that add value to our clients businesses.
“The fundamentals of the professional services business are brutally simple; it’s about talent. It’s about clients, and it’s about teaming to bring it all together to create and deliver value.”
---Jim Quigley, CEO - Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited
At Silk Stevens we operate in fluid flexible teams that are adaptive.
According to Maureen Broderick, everything revolves around the client. Clients are the dominant force, the raison d’etre in professional services.
At Silk Stevens we are client focused and strive for customer satisfaction and financial strength.
At Silk Stevens we measure our success by our ability to acquire, serve and retain clients.