Silk Stevens Limited designs and manages aquaculture projects of various sizes and complexity with a focus on excellence in engineering, client service and meeting project objectives. Our staff of professional engineers, scientists, technicians, and drafters can help you design and build your project on schedule and on budget. We specialize in pre-design/planning, detailed design, drafting, process improvement, automation, environmental protection, energy utilization and efficiency, regulatory compliance, and facility permitting. Our past projects include hatcheries, grow-out facilities and land-based farms for salmon, char, trout, tilapia, and sturgeon as well as holding facilities for shellfish, processing facilities and research facilities for a variety of aquatic life.
Recirculating Aquaculture Systems (RAS)
Canada is a world leader in designing recirculating aquaculture systems (RAS) which can reuse up to 99% of the culture water for raising fish. Normally a RAS is low head, meaning it is a low energy consumer and very efficient to operate. With a growing population and demand for good tasting protein, land based fish farms are being designed to raise fish of all types for various purposes. Net pen farms require hatcheries to raise fingerlings, smolt and other juvenile fish for grow-out in net pens in the ocean, large lakes or streams. And some fish farmers are raising fish in tanks on land with a RAS all the way to harvest size (from egg to plate).
One of the things that Silk Stevens does really well is design recirculating aquaculture systems (RAS) for hatcheries, land-based fish farms, and other facilities that hold crabs, lobsters, oyster or mussels.
Operators of RAS systems have total control over the environment their fish are raised in to ensure optimal growth, so they can produce bigger fish, faster. Lately we are reminded how important it is to protect our food supply chain by growing our food closer to consumers. RAS systems typically have higher initial capital costs than traditional flow through systems, but the ROI makes these systems more attractive to investors and Owners. Recirculating aquaculture systems use significantly less water and energy to operate and are thus more sustainable, and yield significantly smaller carbon footprints.
Fish farm operators can increase production at whatever scale they choose,and can build their fish farms close to their customers. Often we get calls from people who have an idea for a land-based fish farm but need some help to determine what size of operation to consider. Our experienced engineers can usually help them finalize their plans and make decisions regarding the species, the size, and the cost of their project. We do this by providing the research, design, cost estimate, and construction support as required for a successful project.
Have questions? Let’s talk. Call +1 (506) 755-3005 Our professional engineering services are licensed in The Yukon, British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Ontario, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island, and Newfoundland and Labrador.
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